• Thieme Pharmaceutical Substances

  • Pharmaceutical Substances

    Pharmaceutical Substances


Pharmaceutical Substances

Pharmaceutical Substances – a one-stop source of information relating to the industrial synthesis and commercial applications of every licensed drug of significance.

It provides ready access to syntheses, patents, and applications for more than 2,800 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

The structure-searchable resource is an ideal tool for researchers, process chemists and for teaching in the field of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Essential for research in the pharmaceutical industry:

  • Full synthetic route for the industrial manufacture of each drug elucidated from the patent literature
  • Unique source of reactions that perform on an industrial scale
  • Overview of the pharmaceutical industry from a synthetic chemist's perspective
  • Insights into a therapeutic area and chemically related substances
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Licensing Options:


  • Pharmaceutical Substances is a structure and reaction searchable resource accessible via the Internet
  • Available on an annual subscription basis and priced according to the number of potential users with access to the product
  • License provides campus- or site-wide access to give unlimited availability 24/7


For additional product information, please visit the Pharmaceutical Substances website.

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