Sequential Sonogashira Coupling/Alkyne Carbonyl Metathesis for the Synthesis of Fused Naphthobenzofurans
Ikyon Kim presents a Sonogashira coupling/alkyne carbonyl metathesis leading to fused naphthobenzofurans.
Regiospecific Synthesis of 5- and 6-Acylated Naphtho[1,2-b]benzofurans via Intramolecular Alkyne Carbonyl Metathesis: M. Nayak, D. K. Singh, I. Kim
Synthesis 2017, 49, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1588120
Functionalized fused hetero-polyaromatic compounds are of great interest in materials science and chemical biology. Recently the group of Professor
Professor Kim said:
“Intramolecular alkyne carbonyl metathesis was successfully utilized for the regiospecific synthesis of benzofuran-embedded polyaromatic heterocycles with an acyl moiety at the specific position.”