Synthesis of α-Arylglycines and Other α-Amino Acid Derivatives via Bi and Fe-Catalyzed Three-Component Reaction
Georg Manolikakes presents the Bi- and Fe-catalyzed synthesis of α-arylglycines and other derivatives.
Bismuth- and Iron-Catalyzed Three-Component Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Derivatives: A Simple and Convenient Route to α-Arylglycines: J. Halli, A. E. Schneider, T. Beisel, P. Kramer, A. Shemet, G. Manolikakes
Synthesis 2016, 48, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1561499
The biological importance of non-proteinogenic α-amino acids and specifically of α-arylglycines continues to attract the attention of organic chemists and to stimulate novel synthetic approaches to these compounds. A new interesting entry to α-arylglycines and other related α-amino acid derivatives was recently published by the group of Dr. Georg Manolikakes of the Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany).
Dr. Georg Manolikakes said: “Cheap and environmentally benign iron and bismuth salts can catalyze a three-component reaction between amides, glyoxylic acid derivatives and (hetero)arenes, thereby providing an operationally simple and atom-economic approach to α-arylglycines.”