Science of Synthesis Content

Science of Synthesis is the largest collection of evaluated organic synthetic methods available worldwide

All volumes are included in the license to the electronic edition and subscription to the print edition.

The series preface from the Science of Synthesis Editorial Board is available here (pdf).

A complete list of all published Science of Synthesis volumes (including the Knowledge Updates and Reference Library) is available here (pdf). 




Original Edition

Science of Synthesis is a reference work with the largest collection of evaluated methods in organic synthesis worldwide. It comprises 48 volumes and was published between 2000 and 2010.

Knowledge Updates

Since 2010 Science of Synthesis has been continuously updated with high-quality content using clearly defined criteria for method selection as well as established editorial processes.

Reference Library

The Science of Synthesis Reference Library is a supplementary series of expert evaluated content focusing on subjects of particular current interest. The series highlights new angles and perspectives of importance in organic synthesis.

Houben-Weyl First Edition Books Houben-Weyl

Houben-Weyl - Methoden der Organischen Chemie (Methods of Organic Chemistry) is a standard reference work (originally published in the German language until 1990 when it was first published in English) for chemists engaged in organic synthesis.



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