2018 Prize Winners
Poster Prize awarded at JCS
Jacqueline Pollini received a poster prize at the 9th Junges Chemie Symposium in Ruhr and receives an edition of Protecting Groups.
Poster Prize awarded at 22-ICOS
Joseph Wang received a poster prize at the 22-ICOS in Florence and receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.
Poster Prize awarded at ECHC
Juzeng An received a poster prize at the ECHC 2018 in Lecce and receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.
Poster Prize awarded at ORCHEM
Marlen Externbrink received a poster prize at the ORCHEM 2018 in Berlin and receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.
Poster Prize awarded at ICOMC 2018
Marc-Kevin Zaretzke received a poster prize at the 28th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry and receives a one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.
FACS 2018: Poster prize awarded
The SYNFACTS Poster Prize at the 17th French-American Chemical Society Meeting, Orléans, was awarded to Marie-Aude Hiebel
2015 Prize Winners
SYNFACTS Poster Prize awarded
Helena Brodnik wins the Poster Prize at the 16th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry and thus receives a free one-year subscription of SYNFACTS.
SYNFACTS Poster Prize awarded
Ashfaq Afsar wins the Poster Prize at the South West Regional Meeting of the Organic Division of the RSC.
2014 Prize Winners
SYNFACTS Poster Prize awarded at SISOC-X
Daniel Ferri and Celeste Are win the poster prize at the 10. Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry and receive a free one-year SYNFACTS subscribtion.
SoS Poster Prize winners chosen at BOS
Thieme Chemistry has awarded four SoS Workbench Editions 'Water in Organic Synthesis' poster prizes at the Balticum Organicum Syntheticum in Vilnius.
SYNFACTS Poster Prize awarded at ISXB-1
Lydia C. Gilday wins SYNFACTS poster prize at the 1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding and thus receives a free one-year subscription to SYNFACTS.