Thieme Poster Prize awarded at the ISOR-15 in Taiwan

The Thieme Poster Prize was awarded to Xiang-Wei Haung from National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) and Vijaykumar Thorat from Tamkang University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) at the 15th International Symposium on Organic Reactions, which took place in Taichung from November 3–5, 2022. Congratulations!


Xiang-Wei Haung

Xiang-Wei Haung from National Chung Hsing University wins the prize for his poster ´Cesium carbonate-catalyzed synthesis of phosphorothioates via S-phosphination of thioketones`. He receives a copy of Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry.


Vijaykumar Thorat

Vijaykumar Thorat from Tamkang University wins the prize for his poster ´Exploring Denitrogenative Radical Pathway of 1,2,3,4-Benzothiatriazin-1,1(2H)-dioxides with Arynes to access Sultam Motifs`. He receives a copy of Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry.


We warmly congratulate them on this award and look forward to new developments in their research career!


Read more about the 15th International Symposium on Organic Reactions here.

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