Ben List and David MacMillan’s contributions in SYNLETT

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2021 Nobel laureate Ben List about publishing in the journal SYNLETT

Asymmetric Aminocatalysis

Ben List’s first personal review on this topic from some 20 years ago – briefly after he began his pioneering work on asymmetric organocatalysis in 1999.

Cluster Preface: Challenges of Proline-Based Aminocatalysis

Learn about the ‘Challenges of Proline-Based Aminocatalysis’ in this SYNLETT cluster preface from Ben List.

Strategies to Bypass the Taxol Problem

Read an Account by David MacMillan on ‘Strategies to Bypass the Taxol Problem’.

Ben & David in SYNLETT FREE ACCESS Ben List’s SOS Volume Asymmetric Organocatalysis David MacMillan in SOS On SOMO Catalysis David MacMillan in SOS Iminium Catalysis Interview with Ben about Asymmetric Organocatalysis Interview with Ben about publishing in SYNLETT