• Professor Victor Snieckus from Queen's University, Canada


SYNLETT Editor Victor Snieckus is named 2017 Yoshida Lecturer

In June 2017, SYNLETT Editor Victor Snieckus received the 35th IOCF Yoshida Lectureship in recognition of his accomplishments in organic chemistry.

Professor Snieckus will present lectures at Osaka and Kyoto universities and participate in the Nordic/Japan Symposium from June 20-25, 2017. Congratulations on this great achievement!

About the lectureship
The International Organic Chemistry Foundation (IOCF) invites distinguished organic chemists from all over the world to present lectures as the recipients of the IOCF Yoshida Lectureship. Its purpose is to provide opportunities for researchers and students, both from within and outside the host university, to learn about cutting-edge developments in organic chemistry and to support them in advancing their own research by attending lectures given by invited foreign researchers.

Find more information on the IOCF website.

List of Past Award Recipients:

  • Jeffrey W. Bode (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu (ISOF, Italy)
  • Thomas R. Ward (University of Basel, Switzerland)
  • Pierre H. Dixneuf (CNRS-The University of Rennes, France)
  • Patrick G. Harran (UCLA, U.S.A.)

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