Interview with Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal

This Young Career Focus presents Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal (George Washington University, USA).

Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal received her B.A. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from Middlebury College, USA (2004), and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. (2009) from Yale University (USA) under the guidance of Bob Crabtree. She continued her post-graduate work at the Yale Center for Green Chemistry and Green  Engineering (USA). She launched her independent career in the Chemistry Department at George Washington University (Washington, DC, USA) in 2012 and is currently an Associate Professor. Her research program is focused on the design of catalytic processes that can help facilitate circular economies. She was a recipient of the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award in 2021.

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