How do I use the electronic signature for the authors agreement and/or Imprimatur (permission to publish)?
A step-by-step to creating and using a digital signature should have been sent to you with the authors agreement. If, after following these instructions, you still have problems, it is acceptable to print the agreement, sign it by hand (all authors in the relevant places), and send a scanned copy back to the Editorial Office by e-mail.
Does the document template have to be used?
Yes, if at all possible. It is important for manuscript processing that the appropriate style name (e.g. H_Method) is attached to the heading paragraphs for each section. It is not important that formatting properties like font size, line spacing, or the number of lines per page match the document template. Please feel free to change these properties as long as the style naming is not reflected. We will entirely delete any formatting options in the document processing program except the style names.
I have never used a template before and am not sure where to start.
Save the zip folder to your preferred location and unzip the folder containing the template. Choose the relevant subfolder (PC or Mac). Double click on SciSynth.dot (or RL_SciSynth.dot) and a Word document with the necessary styles will open. A sample document illustrating the use of the styles is also included within the template zip folder.
Is it acceptable to adjust the font size and spacing in my manuscript?
The font and style of the text is important for its identification. Spacing is not important.
What structure drawing program should I be using?
If possible, please generate your formulas and schemes using ChemDraw. If you do not have access to ChemDraw, the use of other drawing programs will be accepted, but this may result in longer manuscript processing times as a result of redrawing.
How should I handle drawings in tables?
State the file name of the drawing (e.g., Table1_01.cdx) in the required position in the table in the Word document. Save the drawing as a separate ChemDraw file, making sure that the file name corresponds to that given in the table cell.
Is it possible to handle several schemes in one file?
No. Each scheme should be saved in a separate cdx file as should any formulas and figures using the formula scheme or figure number as the file name e.g. scheme1.cdx
Can I use colors in graphics?
No. At the moment all graphics must be in black and white (or grayscale).
What are the page extent rules for manuscript submission?
The volume editors and authors are requested to be aware of the contracted page extent as outlined in the Contributor's Agreement, and to not exceed the given number of pages for each manuscript. For estimating the final length of a contribution, the following general rules should be used:
2 typewritten pages (with formulas/schemes) = 1 printed page
3 typewritten pages (without formulas/schemes) = 1 printed page
Do I need to use any particular units or abbreviations?
Metric units should be used throughout the text. However, for pressure and temperature, Torr/atm/Pa and °C can be used, respectively. The unit kcal is also accepted. The use of abbreviations is recommended in tables, formulas, schemes, and experimental procedures, but not in titles or text. Click here to download a list of common abbreviations.
How should I submit my manuscript?
Please submit the complete manuscript by email as a Word document to both the Volume Editor and the Editorial Office (the volume coordinator or science-of-synthesis@thieme.de). Please also remember to send all the graphics files (cdx files) separately (preferably as a zip folder), with the files being named in a logical manner so they can be easily matched to the text.
I have submitted my manuscript and have received a list of questions from the copyeditor. What should I do?
Please simply answer the questions in the spaces provided in the document you received from the copyeditor. Please do not send a revised version of the manuscript. However, it may be appropriate to send revised ChemDraw files if significant changes are necessary to schemes.
What do the ■ symbols in the proofs mean?
The symbols indicate that something was missing or unclear in the manuscript and the author should add the missing information during correction of the proofs.
How should I submit my corrections to the proofs?
Corrections can be added to the pdf using the commenting tools available within Adobe Acrobat (or other software for handling pdf documents). It is also acceptable for you to print the proofs, mark up corrections by hand, and send a scan of the proofs to the Editorial Office by e-mail.
If neither of these options is feasible, it is also acceptable to send a list of corrections in a simple email or Word document. However, in such cases, please make sure it is completely clear where the changes should be made (e.g., “page 2, line 3: change X to Y”).
Do I need to apply for copyright permissions?
Copyright permission is not generally required for reproduction of experimental procedures from standard journals or graphical depiction of chemical reactions. Copyright permission may be required where other illustrations (e.g., apparatus setup, graphs, photographs) are reproduced. Please note that photographs downloaded from the Internet cannot be used without permission from the copyright holder.
Please also note that due to problems in obtaining copyright permission, procedures from serial publications such as Organic Syntheses or books may not be replicated in Science of Synthesis.
What is the difference between a General Procedure and a Typical Procedure?
A General Procedure is a generalized version of a widely applicable experimental procedure. A Typical Procedure is a specific example of a widely applicable experimental procedure.
What are the stages of the publication process?
There are a number of stages in the publication process, but the main ones are essentially: copyediting, preparation of the page proofs, and preparation of the corrected proofs. Click here to view a visual representation of the workflow chart for Science of Synthesis.
How do I cite my article?
Below are given recommended citation formats for a chapter in Science of Synthesis, Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, and a Science of Synthesis Reference Library volume, respectively:
Montgomery, J., In Science of Synthesis, Trost, B. M.; Lautens, M., Eds.; Thieme: Stuttgart, (2001); Vol. 1, p 11.
Waldvogel, S. R., In Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, Thomas, E. J.; Ramsden, C. A., Eds.; Thieme: Stuttgart, (2010); Vol. 2010/1, Section, p 487.
Ager, D., In Science of Synthesis: Stereoselective Synthesis, de Vries, J. G., Ed.; Thieme: Stuttgart, (2011); Vol. 1, p 185.
Note: when citing a chapter in Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, please give only the Volume Editor and Editorial Board Member responsible for that particular section, and include the section number.
How can people access my article?
Subscribers to the print and electronic versions of Science of Synthesis will have full access to your article shortly after the publication date. Unusually for a reference work, Science of Synthesis is indexed by SciFinder and thus reactions reported within your Science of Synthesis chapter will be found by SciFinder searches, thus increasing the visibility of your article.
What if I still have a problem?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Further information
Editorial Office Fax:+49-711-8931-777 E-Mail