Science of Synthesis Editorial Workflow and Production Process

What happens to my manuscript after I have submitted it?

There are essentially two main stages involved in the processing of manuscripts:

Stage 1

The author sends the draft manuscript to the volume editor and editorial office for review. Any further amendments requested by the volume editor are made by the author, who then submits the final manuscript to the editorial office. The manuscript is assigned to a copy editor, who contacts the author directly with regard to any queries that arise.

Stage 2

After copyediting is complete, the manuscript and schemes are sent to production for electronic structuring. The resulting SGML data is sent to the typesetter and from it the page proofs are made. The page proofs are first sent to the author for checking, returned to the editorial office, and then sent out to the volume editor for checking. Once the page proofs are returned from the volume editor, they are assigned for proofreading before being sent to the typesetters and made into corrected page proofs.

Our workflow chart (pdf) describes the editorial workflow and production process in more detail.

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