Science of Synthesis Collaboration Partners
CambridgeSoft (PerkinElmer), one of the leading companies in the field of chemical information and developers of the ChemDraw software product, support Science of Synthesis by providing the Science of Synthesis drawing style requirements in ChemDraw. Authors are therefore able to use the predefined settings (style sheet) for Science of Synthesis when preparing new documents. This should help save authors' time and help in the consistent and accurate presentation of schemes throughout their contributions.
CrossRef is a collaborative, cross-publisher reference linking service which enables the user to navigate online literature at the article level by simply clicking on a citation. CrossRef support Science of Synthesis by providing the infrastructure for linking citations across publishers.
InfoChem focus on the production and commercial marketing of new chemical information products. The Science of Synthesis reaction database is being constructed with the collaboration of InfoChem.
ChemAxon provides solutions, platforms, applications and consultancy services to handle chemical and biological entities in life sciences, biotechnology, new materials, fine-, petro- and agrochemical, food, flavors and fragrances industries. ChemAxon is the provider of the Marvin chemical editor suite that is embedded in the website as well. Their mission is to inspire scientists to manage their chemical and biological data via intuitive, powerful and cost-effective informatics tools, developed together with their customers and partners.
Clarivate Analytics develops and markets scholarly information and software products, including the bibliographic tool EndNote, which is used by scientists worldwide to organize references and create instant bibliographies. EndNote incorporates the Science of Synthesis bibliographic style, so authors are able to save time and increase accuracy when preparing papers for submission to Science of Synthesis.
MarkLogic technology allows our users to efficiently mine the wealth of content in Science of Synthesis. Enriched text search functionalities based on the MarkLogic platform have been implemented in the electronic product, allowing users to perform real-time searches.