• Thieme Chemistry Prizes and Awards | Thieme-IUPAC Prize - Women in Chemistry Award - Thieme Journal Awards - Best Paper Award - SYNFACTS Poster Prizes


Preise und Auszeichnungen

Thieme and Thieme Chemistry actively promote scientific engagement and excellence in research with a comprehensive awards program. The prizes and awards strongly focus on young researchers, aiming to recognize early achievements and supporting their independent careers.

The well-established Thieme-IUPAC Prize is awarded to a scientist under 40 years of age whose research has had a major impact in synthetic organic chemistry.

The Dr. Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award sponsored by SoS is a new prize for women who have made outstanding contributions to research in organic chemistry.

The SYNTHESIS/SYNLETT Best Paper Awards – presented for the first time in 2015 – honor the best original paper per year in each of the journals, considering their immediate impact on the field of chemical synthesis.

Since 1999, the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award is given every year to up-and-coming researchers worldwide who are in the early stages of their independent academic career.

Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students are supported every year with different Poster Prizes – awarded at international conferences where they present their research.

The Thieme Lecture in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry is held every October on the occasion of the “Day of Organic Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart (TOCUS)” and is sponsored by Thieme Chemistry.  


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