TOCUS Thieme Lecture to be held by Jean-Pierre Sauvage (Nobel Laureate)

On October 13, 2017, Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage will present his latest research results in the 21st Thieme Lecture at TOCUS in Stuttgart (Germany).

One year after being awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research on the design and synthesis of molecular machines, we are excited to welcome Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage as the presenter of the 21st Thieme Lecture on ‘From Chemical Topology to Molecular Machines’ at the annual Day of Organic Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart (TOCUS) on October 13, 2017.

The Thieme Lecture on Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry is scheduled for 5.30 pm. Earlier in the day, lectures will be presented by the most promising PhD candidates from Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Freiburg, and other institutions on various areas of organic and bioorganic chemistry including photochemistry, total synthesis, and catalysis. Check out the schedule of TOCUS.

Please join us for some inspirational organic chemistry at TOCUS!

About Jean-Pierre Sauvage

Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage was born in Paris (France) in 1944. He received his PhD at the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg in 1971 under the supervision of future Nobel Laureate Jean-Marie Lehn and is currently a professor at the University of Strasbourg. In 1983, he achieved the functionality of a molecular machine by connecting two ring-shaped molecules into a so-called “catenane”. Unlike ordinary chemical bonds, the molecules in catenanes are linked like a chain, where they are able to move relative to each other. In the future, these molecular machines could potentially be used for new materials, sensors, and energy storage Systems. 

Read more about the TOCUS Thieme Lecture.

If you would like to visit the event, please register here.

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