• Rylan Lundgren presents a copper-mediated synthesis of monofluoro aryl acetates.

    From left: Prof. R. J. Lundgren, A. Fahandej-Sadi (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)


Monofluoro Aryl Acetates via Copper Catalysis

Rylan Lundgren presents a copper-mediated synthesis of monofluoro aryl acetates.

Copper-Mediated Synthesis of Monofluoro Aryl Acetates via Decarboxylative Cross-Coupling: A. Fahandej-Sadi, R. J. Lundgren Synlett 2017, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1588516

Man-made, synthetic fluorinated molecules continue to play a prominent role as drugs, agrochemicals, materials and much more. Fluoro-aryl acetic acid derivatives are important building blocks in fluoroorganic chemistry and feature a range of interesting biological activities. Professor Rylan J. Lundgren from the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) has recently reported a new approach the the synthesis of the title compounds.

  • Rylan Lundgren presents a copper-mediated synthesis of monofluoro aryl acetates.

    Monofluoro aryl acetates via copper catalysis

Professor Lundgren said: “By utilizing a Cu-promoted oxidative cross-coupling reaction with simple, readily available monofluorinated building blocks, we have devised a way to prepare monofluoro α-aryl acetates, under air at room temperature, with substrates bearing functional groups that are not easily tolerated by existing arylation methods.”
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