
Interview with SusCircNOW Editor-in-Chief Dr. J.C. (Chris) Slootweg

Dr. J.C. (Chris) Slootweg is editor-in-chief of Sustainability & Circularity NOW.

Chris Slootweg was born in Haarlem (The Netherlands) in 1978 and received his undergraduate education from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2001, with research stays at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. Piet van Leeuwen) and University of Sussex (Prof. Michael Lappert). After earning his PhD in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. Koop Lammertsma, he pursued postdoctoral studies at the ETH Zürich with Peter Chen. He started his independent scientific career in 2006 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014 and moved to the University of Amsterdam in 2016. The mission of his laboratory is to educate students at the intersection of fundamental physical organic chemistry, main-group chemistry, and circular chemistry. Chris is co-founder and scientific advisor of SusPhos BV, a pioneering company focused on upcycling phosphate-rich waste streams to generate high-quality alternatives to replace current fossil-sourced products.

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Detailed Profile & Publications

It is our pleasure to welcome Prof. J. C. (Chris) Slootweg as SusCircNOW Editor-in-Chief. We look forward to a successful collaboration with him in the future!

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About Sustainability & Circularity NOW

Sustainability & Circularity NOW is an international single-anonymized peer-reviewed journal that aims to tackle very serious sustainability issues and shape an ambitious and genuinely interdisciplinary agenda to resolve the global crisis that we face. Sustainability & Circularity NOW focuses on solutions to improve existing materials and industrial processes as well as revolutionary discoveries of new materials and synthetic procedures. The journal will publish studies on recovery of building blocks from waste, improvement of existing recycling technologies to make recycling easier and more efficient, clean energy, and much more. Life cycle assessment studies and case studies to foster public and policy debate are also reported in this journal. Sustainability & Circularity NOW is the perfect platform for bright minds to share their most revolutionary research in the field of Chemical Science and beyond.

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