Release 4.0

Release: SOS 4.0, March 2014


  1. New Interface and Product Design
  2. Enriched Text Search Functionality
  3. Enhanced Structure/Reaction Searching and Retrieval
  4. New PDF Download and Enhanced Print Options
  5. New Navigation Options
  6. New Personalization Options - MySOS
  7. Improved Linking
  8. New Citation Functionality


  1. New: Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates - This release includes the addition of 10 new update volumes comprising approx., 5,000 printed pages
  2. New: Science of Synthesis Reference Library - This release includes six new reference library volumes: Stereoselective Synthesis Vols. 1-3 (P. A. Evans, G. A. Molander, J. G. de Vries); Asymmetric Organocatalysis (B. List, K. Maruoka) Vols. 1-2 and Water in Organic Synthesis (S. Kobayashi) i.e. a total of 6,046 printed pages

For more details please see here (pdf).

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