• 50 Years SYNTHESIS and 30 Years SYNLETT Anniversary


50 Years SYNTHESIS and 30 Years SYNLETT Anniversary

Happy birthday to SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT!

It's time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of SYNTHESIS and the 30th anniversary of SYNLETT! To mark this occasion, both journals have been given a new look with covers in Thieme's corporate colors of blue-blue-white.

We have invited many of the most influential organic chemists from all over the world to contribute to the SYNTHESIS Golden Issue and the SYNLETT Pearl Issue which were published open access.

Access SYNTHESIS Golden Issue!

Access SYNLETT Pearl Issue!

Please post your birthday wishes on Twitter using #Synthesis50 and #Synlett30!

  • 50 Years SYNTHESIS and 30 Years SYNLETT Anniversary

  • History of SYNTHESIS

    SYNTHESIS is founded by Thieme and the editors Gottfried Schill, the late Manfred Schlosser, George Sosnovsky and Herbert Ziegler as a global forum for all organic chemists with a focus on synthetic methods. The journal is published monthly and publishes Reviews and Communications along with a section entitled “Reactiones Organicae”, thus providing a selection of new synthetic methods abstracted from the literature.
    The first issue of SYNTHESIS consists of 40 pages and includes three reviews along with five research papers (roughly one third of these appeared in print in German).
    One is a timely review authored by Dieter Seebach that details the chemistry of 2-lithium-1,3-dithianes and 2-lithium-1,3,5-trithianes as acyl anion equivalents, which would subsequently become widely known as Umpolung.

    Manfred Schlosser leaves the Editorial Board.

    SYNTHESIS broadens its scope and range to include not only synthetic methods, but also all other aspects of modern synthetic organic chemistry. The title is changed accordingly to “SYNTHESIS – Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry”.
    The late Hans Jürgen Bestmann works alongside his co-editors Dieter Enders, Volker Jäger, K. C. Nicolaou, Gottfried Schill and Peter Vollhardt as well as the newly formed Editorial Advisory Board.

    Full Papers are included for the first time and the Abstract section is discontinued.

    Dieter Hoppe replaces Gottfried Schill on the Editorial Board.

    The complementary sister journal SYNLETT is launched for the publication of Rapid Communications and Accounts (Editor-in-Chief: Peter Vollhardt). As a result, SYNTHESIS gives up the designation “Communications” for its shorter articles and Peter Vollhardt leaves the Editorial Board. He and Volker Jäger are replaced by Isao Kuwajima and Manfred Regitz.

    Paul Wender joins the Editorial Board replacing K. C. Nicolaou.

    Manfred Regitz becomes Editor-in-Chief alongside a newly constituted Editorial Board also including Philip Kocieński, and the late Kenichiro Koga (replacing Isao Kuwajima). They redefine the objectives of the journal in reaction to the increasing significance of organometallics in synthesis, medicinal and biological chemistry, supramolecular structures and materials science. Feature Articles are included, these being invited and highlighted full papers, and some years later SYNTHESIS Alerts are introduced as a new monthly feature to assist the readers in keeping abreast of new developments.

    Dieter Enders becomes Editor-in-Chief cooperating with Erick Carreira (replacing Paul Wender), Tohru Fukuyama (replacing Kenichiro Koga), Dieter Hoppe, Paul Knochel (replacing Manfred Regitz), and Philip Kocieński.

    The Thieme Chemistry Journals Award is launched to honor up-and-coming researchers worldwide each year who are in the early stages of their independent academic careers.
    The Thieme E-Journal platform is launched, offering SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT online for the first time.
    A new cover design and layout are launched. Several new activities and article types are initiated, including thematic and dedicated Special Issues and Special Topics and Practical Synthetic Procedures. Mark Lautens joins the Editorial Board.

    Thorsten Bach joins the Editorial Board as replacement for Dieter Hoppe.

    SYNTHESIS backfiles are digitalized. Online Readers can subscribe to the Table of Contents and E-First-Alerts of SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT from now on.

    Susanne Haak becomes Managing Editor of Thieme Chemistry journals succeeding Hans-Gerd Padeken, Walter Lürken, Richard Dunmur, Joe Richmond, Ray Boucher and Kristina Kurz (represented in chronological order).

    SYNFACTS is launched to highlight the best of chemical synthesis and to complement its sister journals SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT. A new cover design is launched.

    Since 2000, the publishing frequency has regularly increased from 12 to 24 issues per year.

    The complimentary feature Synform is launched, offering news about people, trends and views in organic synthesis.

    Thieme becomes the first publisher worldwide to make primary experimental chemistry data (raw unprocessed data files such as FIDs) available for the reader.

    Andrew Evans joins the Editorial Board as replacement for Philip Kocieński.
    A SYNTHESIS editorial office is opened in China. “Short Reviews” are introduced as a new article type.

    Xue-Long Hou joins the Editorial Board as regional editor from and for China because of the widespread development and research in China and the corresponding rapid increase in the number of submissions and publications.

    Thieme hosts a successful one-day symposium at Nagoya University with talks by most of the SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT Editorial Board members.

    Paul Knochel becomes Editor-in-Chief and Dieter Enders stays as editor for Reviews.

    A new cover design and layout are launched.
    Thieme launches the SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT Best Paper Awards to honor the best original article per year in each of the journals.

    The open access journal SynOpen is launched reporting current research results in chemical synthesis in full paper and letter format.

    SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT content is integrated into SynOne, Thieme Chemistry’s new discovery tool.

    Thieme Chemistry content, including SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT articles, is included in PubChem to help further expand its reach.
    Franziska Schoenebeck and Hideki Yorimitsu join the Editorial Board to replace Erick Carreira and Tohru Fukuyama. Furthermore, a new cover design and layout are launched.
    Compared to 1969, each issue boasts five times the number of pages and offers its readers a collection of timely reviews, short reviews, feature articles, and full papers.


  • History of SYNLETT

    The journal is launched for the publication of Rapid Communications and Accounts, with Peter Vollhardt as Editor-in-Chief along with Bernd Giese, Steven Ley, and Hisashi Yamamoto as editors. They were joined shortly after the launch by Victor Snieckus.

    A new article type “New Tools in Synthesis” is introduced.

    The Thieme E-Journal platform is launched, offering SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT online for the first time.
    Additionally, a new section called “Spotlights” is added.
    The Thieme Chemistry Journals Award is launched to honor up-and-coming researchers worldwide each year who are in the early stages of their independent academic careers. A new cover design and layout are launched.

    Laurence Harwood joins the Editorial Board as successor of Steven Ley who then becomes an active and innovative adviser.
    SYNLETT backfiles are digitalized.
    Readers can subscribe to the Table of Contents and E-First-Alerts of SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT from now on.

    Susanne Haak becomes Managing Editor of Thieme Chemistry journals succeeding Hans-Gerd Padeken, Walter Lürken, Richard Dunmur, Joe Richmond, Ray Boucher and Kristina Kurz (represented in chronological order).
    Yasuhiro Uozumi joins the Editorial Board as successor of Hisashi Yamamoto who then focuses on the start of a series of topical “Clusters”.

    Since 2003, the number of yearly issues has increased from 12 to 20 to accommodate the increasing number of submitted manuscripts. The amount of published research in SYNLETT has more than tripled.
    A new cover design is launched, and a SYNLETT editorial office is opened in China. Henry Wong and Hak-Fun Chow join the Editorial Board.
    SYNFACTS is launched to highlight the best of chemical synthesis and to complement its sister journals SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT.

    The complimentary feature Synform is launched, offering news about people, trends and views in organic synthesis.

    Thieme is the first publisher worldwide to make primary experimental chemistry data (raw unprocessed data files such as FIDs) available for the reader.

    Benjamin List agrees to become the successor of Bernd Giese.
    The article type “Synpacts” is introduced in which young researchers are given the opportunity to highlight a recent (often first) breakthrough from their laboratory.

    Tomislav Rovis joins the Editorial Board to take over the responsibility of Victor Snieckus. At the end of the year Hishashi Yamamoto retires from the Editorial Board.

    Thieme hosts a successful one-day symposium at Nagoya University with talks by most of the SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT Editorial Board members.

    Benjamin List becomes new Editor-in-Chief and Peter Vollhardt stays as editor in charge of Accounts and Synpacts. A new cover design and layout are launched.

    Thieme launches the SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT Best Paper Awards to honor the best original articles per year in each of the journals.

    Select Crowd Review is implemented.
    The open access journal SynOpen is launched reporting current research results in chemical synthesis in full paper and letter format.

    SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT content is integrated in SynOne, Thieme Chemistry’s new discovery tool.
    Rubén Martín and David Nicewicz join the Editorial Board while Victor Snieckus retires from the board. Manuel van Gemmeren is appointed as Crowd Review Editor.

    Thieme Chemistry content, including SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT articles, is included in PubChem to help further expand its reach.
    Ang Li joins the Editorial Board as successor of Henry Wong and Hak-Fun Chow. Furthermore, a new cover design was launched.


We have celebrated the anniversaries with special receptions at the following conferences:

• OMCOS 20 in Heidelberg (Germany)
• ISHC 27 in Kyoto (Japan)
• ACS Fall Meeting in San Diego (CA, USA)

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